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====== Kit ====== <html><a href='http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1011/4728709259_6dcab9dc30.jpg' rel='lightbox'><img src='http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1011/4728709259_6dcab9dc30_m.jpg' title='Cotswold and Border versions of our kit' style='float:right;' /></a></html> Our kit consists of: * Black long trousers * Black sneakers * Socks in any official kit color (black, white, charcoal grey, red, orange, or yellow) or combinations thereof * White shirt * [[:kit:vest|Charcoal grey vest]] for Cotswold dances * Red, orange, and yellow tattered sleeveless long vest for Border dances * Red, orange and yellow [[:kit:rosettes|rosettes]] with long ribbons (red, orange, yellow and dark grey) - one on each arm and one on the back of the vest * Black bell pads, with one rosette attached on each bell pad

kit.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/03 07:42 by tom