~~NOTOC~~ ====== People's Dance ====== People’s Dance composed by Greg Meisner tune: A Pilgrim’s Way by Peter Bellamy as sung by Ian Robb & Finest Kind Order of dance: OY – A music and once through B, on last 2 bars do 2BS, FTJ into round, then do WHR on repeat of B; Foot up; DS progression; WHR; Belly to belly; 1-2-up progression; WHR; Back to back; leapers progression; normal rounds to all-in WHR: 2DS clockwise around circle, 1DS in place turning over R shoulder, FTJ, 2DS continuing to original place, 1DS in place turning over L shoulder, FTJ Progressions: All begin with bottom pair doing SSR, DS, SSL, DS (everybody else stands still); and end with all doing 2BS, FTJ into circle getting ready for WHR. 1) 2 DS up the middle 2) 2 1-2-ups up the middle 3) leapers over middles, then tops (2 bars of half-speed music) On 1) and 2), top 2 pairs move down one place with 2SS (downstage foot) as middles move up. On leapers the middles need to take a step toward the bottom before they crouch. Sing last line of the all-in: “The people, Lord, Thy people are good enough for me” ===== Tune: The Pilgrim's Way ===== The tune is a [[#the_songthe_pilgrim_s_way|poem by Rudyard Kipling set to a tune by Peter Bellamy]]. Used for Ann Arbor's "People's Dance". Carol Mohr says, "The dance was made to fit the tune as written (normal length figures and a 2-part chorus). Also the last time through there are slows - bars 13 and 14 are half speed." <abc> X:15 T:People's Dance T:Pilgrim's Way, The C:Peter Bellamy (music) M:C L:1/4 P:ABC(ABC)2ADC Q:150 K:Gmix P:A "DF"d/c/ | B A G G | c/d/ e d d/c/ | B B c A | G3 d/c/ | B A G G | c/d/ e d d/c/ | B d d/c/ B | A3 |] P:B "progression"d | e/d/ c/d/ e g | d/c/ B/c/d B/c/ | d3/e/ d B | A3 D | G3/A/ B G | c c d d/c/ | B B c A | G3 |] P:C "WR"d | e/d/ c/d/ e g | d/c/ B/c/d B/c/ | d3/e/ d B | A3 D | G3/A/ B G | c2 d d/c/ | B B c A | G3 |] P:D "slows"d | e/d/ c/d/ e g | d/c/ B/c/d B/c/ | d3/e/ d B | A3 D | G2 A2 B2 G2 | c2 c2 d2 d3/c/ | B B c A | G3 |] </abc> \\ ===== The Song: The Pilgrim's Way ===== <abc> X:1 T:Pilgrim's Way, The C:Rudyard Kipling (words) C:Peter Bellamy (music) M:C L:1/4 Q:100 K:Gmix % d/c/ | B A G G | c/d/ e d d/c/ | B B c A | G3 d/c/ | w: I_ do not look for ho_ly saints to_ guide me on my way, Nor_ % B A G G | c/d/ e d d/c/ | B d d/c/ B | A3 d | w: male nor fe- male de_ vil- kins to_ lead my feet_ a-stray. If % e/d/ c/d/ e g | d/c/ B/c/d B/c/ | d3/e/ d B | A3 D | w: these_ are_ add- ed, I_ re_ joice; if_ not, I shall not mind, So % G3/A/ B G | c c d d/c/ | B B c A | G3 d | w: long as I have leave and choice to_ meet my fel- low-kind. For % e/d/ c/d/ e g | d/c/ B/c/d B/c/ | d3/e/ d B | A3 D | w: as_ we_ come and as_ we_ go (and_ dead- ly soon go we!) The % G3/A/ B G | c2 d d/c/ | B B c A | G3 |] w: peo- ple, Lord, Thy peo- ple, are_ good e-nough for me! </abc> \\ **A Pilgrim's Way** \\ ~Rudyard Kipling & Peter Bellamy I will not look for holy saints to guide me on my way \\ Or male and female devilkins to lead my feet astray. \\ If these be added I rejoice - if not, I shall not mind \\ As long as I have leave and choice to meet my fellow-kind. \\ For as we come and as we go (and deadly soon go we!) \\ The people, lord, Thy people, are good enough for me. Thus I will honour pious men whose virtue shines so bright \\ (Though none are more amazed than I when I by chance do right) \\ And I will pity foolish men for woe their sins have bred \\ (Though ninety-nine percent of mine I brought on my own head) \\ And Amorite or Eremite or General Averagee \\ The people, Lord, Thy people are good enough for me. And if the bore me overmuch, I will not shake mine ears \\ Recalling many thousand such whom I have bored to tears \\ And if they labour to impress I will not doubt nor scoff \\ Since I myself have done no less and sometimes pulled it off \\ Yes as we are and we are not and we pretend to be \\ The people, lord, Thy people, are good enough for me. And when they work me random wrong as oftentimes hath been \\ I will not cherish hate too long (my hands are none too clean) \\ And if they do me random good I will not feign surprise \\ No more than those whom I have cheered with wayside courtesies \\ Yes as we give and as we take - whate'er our takings be) \\ The people, lord, Thy people, are good enough for me. Deliver me from every pride - the Middle, High and Low \\ That keeps me from a brother's side, whatever pride he show \\ And purge me from all heresies of thought and speech and pen \\ That bid me judge him otherwise than I am judged. Amen \\ For as we live and as we die - if utter Death there be \\ The people, lord, Thy people, are good enough for me. That I might sing for Crowd or King or road-borne company \\ That I may labour in my day, vocation and degree \\ To prove the same by deed and name, and hold unshakenly \\ (Where'er I go, whate'er I know, whoe'er my neighbour be) \\ This single faith in Life and Death and to Eternity \\ "The people, lord, Thy people, are good enough for me." \\

dances/bucknell/peoples_dance.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/28 06:51 (external edit)